Strengthening Citizen Voice for Effective Legislative Governance

Duration Achievement Districts Province/ State Partners
2016 – 2020 1. Citizen one Charter of Demand (CoD) prepared and presented to the provincial assembly of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and regular follow up made.2. 1000 Citizens at the provincial level met their 40 legislators, asked questions of their concern, gave suggestions and recommendations, and made them accountable through district assemblies.3. 300 youth gained knowledge on the constitutional role of legislators and legislatures, democracy, transparency, and accountability and have been transferred knowledge to 3000 peers.4. App-based engagement of citizens and legislators made possible at the provincial level, 1000 citizens and 40 legislators used App and uploaded their development plans and demands respectively,5. Upto 10 solutions to the citizen and constituencies issues and problems initiated.6. Upto 10 legislators started sharing their constituencies’ development plans on App.7. Changes and improvements as a result of the project documented and shared with all key stakeholders. All Districts Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Citizen Voice Project (CVP) – Trust for Democratic Education and Accountability (TDEA) -United States Agency for International Development (USAID)